Book ecological advice online
We are currently developing our webinar series in Dutch, which will be launched this spring. If you are interested in an English version, send us an email and let us know which of below themes is of most interest to you.
Meanwhile check out our blogs in English, or our Instagram or Facebook page which has a lot of tips already to get started.

8 themes as part of the series on ecological gardens: 
1) Your soil in balance: the basis of your ecological garden
2) The right plant in the right place
3) Creating a flower meadow
4) Creating a natural pond, a source of life
5) Planting a mixed hedge or shrub thickets for birds
6) Towards a 1000-species garden: attract more animals to your garden
7) Circular management of green waste
8) Creating a climate-resilient garden
Contact us
Are you interested in our approach, do you have an urgent question or would you like to exchange ideas without any obligation? Contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible!
Want to stay up to date on our work? Subscribe to our newsletter (sent each trimester).
Ecologisch adviseur - Trained by Inverde Le réseau nature Velt
Azuria Drone Entity Island stories of change