Book ecological advice online

A climate resilient garden

Sample questions
  • Does your lawn resemble a barren prairie in the middle of summer?
  • Can't find enough shade in your own garden during the heat wave?
  • Do many plants struggle with long droughts and scorching sun?
  • Does your garden become a mud puddle when it rains too heavily?
Our approach
Based on a garden visit and questionnaire, we look at what is possible. We look at five themes: paving, water, vegetation, link with surroundings and garden maintenance.
What you get from us
  • A climate profile of the current situation of your garden (1-2 pages)
  • A menu of options around those five themes out of which you choose what you want
  • An action plan of the interventions you want to start working on
  • A maintenance plan (if applicable)
Contact us
Are you interested in our approach, do you have an urgent question or would you like to exchange ideas without any obligation? Contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible!
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Ecologisch adviseur - Trained by Inverde Le réseau nature Velt
Azuria Drone Entity Island stories of change