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Wildlife gardening

Sample questions
  • Do you love birds and would like to attract more species to your garden?
  • Do you like to search for butterflies and bumblebees among your flowers?
  • Do you enjoy the endless ballet of dragonflies and damselflies?
  • Are you a fan of co-housing and would like to extend that to the animal kingdom?
Our approach
It can be done! Many small and often simple interventions are possible to attract and keep certain species in your garden. We look at the immediate surroundings of your garden to see what is possible and get to work on it. For the more common species, a lot is soon possible, so don't hesitate to contact us.
Tip: For each species, there are 5 important requirements: food, water, shelter, variation, and nesting opportunities. These conditions should ideally be met in your garden or in the immediate vicinity. That way, you can be sure that an animal will not only visit your garden, but also stay there and reproduce.
What we offer you
Concrete advice on garden design for fauna based on your request
  • Plant list for host and or food plants certain insects
  • Installation of small landscape elements
  • Suggestion for nesting boxes, feeding tables, insect hotels, ...
  • Suggested material and/or construction plan to do it yourself or with price indication
  • Maintenance plan (if applicable)
Contact us
Are you interested in our approach, do you have an urgent question or would you like to exchange ideas without any obligation? Contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible!
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Ecologisch adviseur - Trained by Inverde Le réseau nature Velt
Azuria Drone Entity Island stories of change