Book ecological advice online

Planting plan

Sample questions
  • Is there a difficult spot where nothing grows that you would like advice on?
  • Would you like more colour in the garden and a longer flowering period overall?
  • Would you like to create one or more borders of perennials that remain beautiful for many years?
Our approach
We follow the principle 'the right plant in the right place'. That way you can be sure it will work in your garden. We give priority to native plants because they grow best in our climate, are more robust against pests and attract the many insects. Of course, we remain flexible if you would like to combine this with cultivars or exotic plants. You indicate your preferences in terms of colour, height and flowering period and we will get to work.
What we offer you
  •   A planting plan (drawing): species list of plants, plant sizes, unit price per plant, numbers for the specific area and plant spacing, price indication
  •   A plan of action (technical explanation for implementation)
  •   A maintenance plan to keep the desired end result in place over the years.
You can do this perfectly yourself. If you want, we will deliver the plants, set them out and you plant them. Or we carry out everything for you: from purchase to planting. You tell us exactly what you want.
Contact us
Are you interested in our approach, do you have an urgent question or would you like to exchange ideas without any obligation? Contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible!
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Ecologisch adviseur - Trained by Inverde Le réseau nature Velt
Azuria Drone Entity Island stories of change